Sunday, August 10, 2014

Waveny River Valley, Part Two

We began our day with an English breakfast prepared by Janice, and then drove to the Norfolk village of Bungay in the Waveny River Valley. Alison's home has a lovely dike and access to the Waveny river for canoeing. Sadly our plan to canoe was thwarted by the aftermath of Hurricane Bertha. We had a lovely walkabout in Bungay though and gained a good feel for the river valley much of which is flood plain and riparian zone. Wonderful for walking, bird watching, boating.

Alison and her husband Stuart had stayed in our home while we vacationed one summer, and we spent an evening with them before they moved on in their travels. Today was Alison's treat to us for the exchange of life experiences. We loved every minute of it.

Bungay has a Norman Castle, the remains at least and many medieval churches. Apparently Norfolk and Suffolk counties of England have more medieval churches than anywhere else in Europe, possibly one for every mile. Some of the townhouse in Bungay date back to the Normans around 1100 (1066 William conquered).

Alison served a lovely and delicious lunch and we watched her juvenile black backed gull Splat perform for us. Splat took refuge in her garden a few weeks ago. She feeds him fish catfood. He may have a wing injury. His can figure that out.

Clay's Limited Distribution? The very place your Harry Potter book was printed. 

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